ELVIS.CHEUNG 2016在上海创立个人同名原创设计师品牌,以轻奢消费、中性风格为定位 专注于毛料的研究、设计、创新,及毛料服装穿着方式的再创造。每一件衣服都以不同厚薄、不同肌理的顶级毛料打造 高档与舒适兼得,无论四季,无论场合皆可无界穿搭。重新定义毛料设计、重新定义穿着方式、重新定义自生活。

ELVIS.CHEUNG established the  original Designer brands in 2015in SH, light luxury consumption and neutral style for positioning, focused on wool research, design and re-creation of wool clothing. Each piece of garment made by different thickness and texture top wool. To create luxury and comfort. No matter the seasons, the occasions can be unbounded. Redefines the design of the wool、the way of dress and free life.