被誉为明星粉丝收割机的RFACTORY与理念相同的品牌跨界始终保持着开放、高调、高效的合作姿态。与迪士尼(Disney)、巴黎圣日耳曼足球俱乐部(PSG)、联想(LENOVO)、雅诗 兰黛集团(ESTEE LAUDER COMPANIES)旗下品牌、美宝莲纽约(MAYBELLINE NEW YORK)、猫途鹰(TRIPADVISOR)、娇韵诗(CLARINS)、博士伦(BAUSCH+LOMB)、宝岛眼镜 (FORMOSA OPTICAL)雪花集团、科研氏等全球化品牌的持续推出跨界合作。作为中国时尚行业标志性配饰设计师品牌的RFACTORY正在成为中国最具商业价值的新品牌之一。
Rfactory is a bag accessories brand founded in 2012 and positioned as "Container for fun and possibility". The brand pays great attention to the unlimited expansion of "diversity" by users, and is committed to studying the relationship between items and wearers. The work encourages users to create their own unique.The design concept of the product is forward-looking. Wu as the founder is the first designer in China to launch the concept of disassembly and reorganization and one thing multi-purpose. It is also a representative brand of change. Rfactory is very concerned about the sustainability of brand development, not only for the environmental protection and renewable use of materials, but also for the possibility of multi-dimensional realization of the circulation and use life cycle of goods.
Rfactory, known as the “star fan harvester”, has always maintained an open, high-profile and efficient cooperation attitude with the brand of concept contract. The brand is closely related to Disney, PSG, Lenovo, Estee Lauder companies, Maybelline New York, TripAdvisor, Clarins, Bausch + Lomb, Formosa optical snow group Scientific research and other global brands continue to launch cross-border cooperation. As an iconic accessory designer brand in China's fashion industry, rfactory is becoming one of the most commercially valuable new brands in China.