MAYALI设计风格注重层次感和解构再造,习惯用理性而严谨的思维方式造就感性的设计作品。MAYALI在突出建筑感廓形、流畅线条以及精致剪裁的同时,也擅长使用不同触感的面料来营造视觉冲突, 继而阐述当代女性的智慧与自信以及独立自我的多变风貌。 如果说作品是Maya 与穿衣者对话的媒介,那么从细节里你便可一窥其思想脉络。

MAYALI appreciates a mix of fabrication with different tactility, creating visual confliction. Most styles of her collections present flexibility and changeability which adapt to various occasions through adjustable dressing.  Maya sees herself as the architect of human body, with a spatial awareness of balancing of lines. The brand approves the changing style of contemporary women’s independentself, and presents the idea that the truth of each individual is different.