Seta ichiro

Seta ichiro 是1999年成立于东京的女装品牌。设计师瀬田一郎先后在Jean Paul Gaultier、Y’s 和Yoji Yamamoto工作过。Seta ichiro 的设计风格自然优雅,强调用天然的布料、细致的剪裁和丰富的细节让让女性感觉舒适、美丽与放松。

Seta ichiro is a female fashion brand founded in 1999 in Tokyo. Designer Seta Ichiro used to work for Jean Paul Gaultier, Y’s and Yoji Yamamoto. His designing style is natural and elegant, while his focus on the use of natural fabric, skilled cutting and rich details brings comfort, beauty and relaxation to female.