“至暗时刻 Darkest Hour”源于对每次福报降临前所经历的人生低谷的思考,磨难使人痛苦,但坚定的信念前行将会迎来重生,DH以“蝙蝠”为设计核心,是对黑夜中自由穿梭的向往,同时也隐喻“至暗时刻 福报将至”。品牌致力于传达一种在逆境中永不言败,撕裂黑暗至死方休的态度。每一次至暗时刻,扒开、粉碎、重建之前自我,终将迎来重生。
"Darkest Hour" is derived from the reflection of the low point of life experienced before each blessing approaches. The suffering makes people painful, but moving forward with firm faith will usher in rebirth. DH use "bat" as the core design element to express the yearning for freely flight in the dark night, but also a metaphor for "when the darkest hour blessing shall come". The brand is committed to conveying an attitude of never give up when facing adversity, as far as to tear the darkness to death. Every darkest moment, the self before being opened, crushed, and rebuilt will eventually be reborn.