“SONG”既是“宋”,也是“歌曲”之意,诉说着一场跨越时空,中西交融的一场盛大演奏会, 随着琵琶弦起, 笛声三弄, 榫卯结构的宫中, 我们看到了舞姬弄袖,点茶、焚香、 插画、挂画,一幕幕呈现,忽而华丽欧式教堂里钢琴琴键敲起,大提琴拉起了岁月的长鸣, 新古典与浪漫随之而来,“奏鸣曲”,即“SONATA”,在东方与西方艺术文化之中碰撞出的火花令人心动不已。琴瑟友之,钟鼓乐之,“宋鸣曲SONATASONG” 由此诞生。


【A symphony that combines Chinese and Western styles】


"SONG" means both "Song" and "Song", telling a grand concert that spans time and space and blends China and the West. As the pipa strings play and the flute sounds, in the palace with mortise and tenon structure, we I saw the dancers playing with their sleeves, ordering tea, burning incense, illustrations, and hanging paintings, and the scenes unfolded. Suddenly, the piano keys in the gorgeous European church were struck, and the cello played the long sound of the years. Neoclassical and romantic followed, " "SONATA", that is, "SONATA", the sparks created by the collision between Eastern and Western art and culture are exciting. Playing the piano and the harp, playing the bells and drums, "SONATASONG" was born.




一直以来,我们都认为,【衣】是个凝聚自我的过程,当你来此经历,与这一切发生关系, 美便重新呈现。我们遨游在璀璨的人类文明历史中,不断探索学习,构建出一个属于宋鸣曲SONATASONG的艺术世界,苏锦宋锦,提花刺绣,惯束罗衫,优雅旗装,无论是领,袖,襟, 扣,还是线, 褶, 型,绣, 都被赋予了新的结构。 团扇领, 琵琶襟,中式燕尾,提花礼裙,立异而经典。其中作为贯穿整个品牌每个系列以结合了中西文化不同工艺面貌出现的特有图案-夔龙纹,始于商晚期和西周时期青铜器的装饰上,富有神秘色彩形象的同时,夔龙尊贵也矫健,表达了品牌开拓进取,致力创新,传承匠人文化精神,体现中式风骨,让每一个了解宋鸣曲SONATASONG的人,都能通过穿衣这件小事,展现不被标签化的自信,能够自由表达自我,重现温柔且坚韧的独立女性形象。


【I am the only one in the world, so I am especially fond of myself】


We have always believed that [clothes] is a process of self-unification. When you come here to experience it and relate to it all, beauty will reappear. We travel in the splendid history of human civilization, continue to explore and learn, and build an art world belonging to Song Mingqu SONATASONG, Su Brocade and Song Brocade, jacquard embroidery, traditional bouquet Luo shirt, elegant flag dress, whether it is collar, sleeves, lapels, buttons , or threads, pleats, shapes, and embroidery, are all given new structures. Fan collar, pipa lapel, Chinese swallowtail, jacquard dress, innovative yet classic. Among them, the Kui dragon pattern is a unique pattern that appears throughout each series of the brand and combines different craftsmanship aspects of Chinese and Western cultures. It originated from the decoration of bronzes in the late Shang Dynasty and the Western Zhou Dynasty. It is full of mysterious images, and at the same time, the Kui dragon is noble and vigorous. It expresses the brand's pioneering spirit, commitment to innovation, inheritance of the cultural spirit of craftsmen, and embodies the Chinese style. It allows everyone who knows SONATASONG to show their confidence in not being labeled through the simple matter of dressing, and to express themselves freely, focusing on A gentle yet tough independent female image.