“2an” 不仅是⼀个品牌,⽽是⼀个充满乐趣的游乐场。这⾥集合了趣味的,斑斓的,⻤⻢的,以及有个⼈态度的产品与配饰。希望⼊场的观众在这⾥可以放下固有的框架,拥有轻松舒适的佩戴和体验。同我们⼀起玩乐,探寻⾃我,放⼤本我,野蛮⽣⻓中找到⼀丝归属感。
2an的产物由四种情绪组成—CHUNKY,POP,MOODY&BOLD。 设计灵感来源于对经典复古和当下⾃我情绪的交融。从⽽呈现出极具玩味的,真实的,舒适的,和突出个⼈特⾊的产物。 这将是⼀场轻松⽽⾃在的旅程,不拘和⾃如的探索过程。我们想提供这个平台与您⼀起放⼤⾃⼰的情绪(self-explore),找到多⾯的⾃我。
2an is not just a brand, but a playground full of pure joy. It’s a collective platform that offers playful, colorful, and spectral objects and jewelry that embraces individual attitudes. 2an invites our audience to cast aside their preconceived notions and transcend the energy to enlarge, expand, and explore together.
2an products embody four emotions — CHUNKY, POP, MOODY and BOLD. Designs are inspired by fusing vintage elements with present emotions. The experiences are playful, relevant, comfort, and in line with personal characteristics. 2an welcomes more visitors to enter the playground and embark on a journey of self-exploration, to be chunky, pop, moody, and bold. This is our playground, let’s do it for fun