作为意大利高级时装世家,CURIEL蔻蕊历经四代女性传人,是各国皇室与名流政要的倾情之选。品牌被载入各意大利时装史册,以高级定制的传承与创新成为“Made in Italy”的先驱,是第一个进驻伦敦Harrods与纽约Bergdorf Goodman百货的意大利品牌,并因各项富有开拓性的创举被授予包含意大利十字骑士勋章在内的各项殊荣。
简单而精致,感性而不庸俗,被称为“时装界的知识分子”的Curiel家族以丝绒与蕾丝等优质面料结合高辨识度的优雅线条,打造出跨越时间的极简浪漫主义风格。用服装来提升而不喧兵夺主,增强而不张扬,以意式小黑裙诠释La Dolce Vita乐享生活的真我精神,以X廓形的范式为每位女性打造舞动人生的每个场景。迅速、自由、现代,CURIEL让小黑裙不仅是“永远不会出错的那一件”,更是“永远能让自己最美的那一件”。
As a centuried Italian fashion maison of Alta Moda, CURIEL has been passed down through four generations of heiresses, and has become the passionate choice of royalty and prominent figures from various countries. The brand is one of the most dazzling stars of Italian fashion history, pioneering the legacy and innovation of haute couture as the avant-garde of "Made in Italy." It’s the first Italian brand to cooperate with London's Harrods and New York's Bergdorf Goodman department stores and has been honored with various prestigious awards, including the famous Cavaliere di Gran Croce.
Simple yet sophisticated, sensual but never vulgar, the Curiel family, often referred to as the "Fashion Intellectual”, combines exquisite fabrics such as silk and lace with elegant lines of high recognition, recreating a minimal romanticism that can transcend time. CURIEL employs fashion to elevate and empower, without overshadowing or being flashy. Through the embodiment of the iconic Italian little black dress, it captures the spirit of embracing life's pleasures, known as "La Dolce Vita." Using the X silhouette as a framework, CURIEL creates garments that allow women to gracefully dance through every moment of life. With agility, liberty and modernity, CURIEL ensures that the little black dress becomes not only a reliable choice but also a garment that enables women to feel their most beautiful selves, forever.