七火跳跳   共生七火&跳跳,乖乖七火在制式束缚下平静的存在,内心不安分的小孩跳跳带着七火打破结界,感知内心另一个世界......拥抱内心的小孩吧~我不是坏小孩,我只是我自己。撑起一个透明的屏障里漂浮释放,没有嘈杂不被PUSH,光着脚丫,手触星辰,踩在凹凸的星球表面,起起伏伏,鲜红的血液留下印迹,微笑的嘴角却在微微扬起!

7 Fire Jump  7 is a symbol of the constant exploration of the truth and the unknown, a number of processes and growth, and a hidden cycle of the universe. Fire Jump means that the flame jumping or goes out. Everything in the universe has two sides, the original intention of the brand is to be yourself in the unknown world as a life is like a flame, burning or extinguishing! The ambition of our brand is to go forward new unexplored roads and to put a touch of uniqueness in our products to share with the spirit of creation.