POPSROOM SHOWROOM 致力于中国创意的可持续性 发展,通过打造一个全新的服务型平台, 以链接创意与市场。


POPSROOM SHOWROOM于 2020 年成立于中国上海 。 我们专注于中国市场,同时放眼于全球创意,不断挖掘有设计态度、且具备市场潜力的国内外设计师品牌。


深耕中国时尚创意市场。我们基于丰富的 销售及市场经验成为买手可靠的采购顾 问,为中国的创意集成店/买手店提供定制化的组货及订货方案。作为品牌的战略营销伙伴,凭借丰富的买手/分销渠道 资源,为品牌在市场定位、渠道管理、产品开发等方面提供专业的服务。


POPSROOM SHOWROOM is committed to the sustainable development of creativity in     China by creating a new service-oriented platform to link creativity with the market.


POPSROOM SHOWROOM was founded in 2020 in Shanghai, China. With a focus on the Chinese  market and a global creative vision, we continue to explore domestic and international  designer brands with a design attitude and market potential.


We are deeply involved in the Chinese fashion and creative market. We are a reliable sourcing advisor for buyers based on our extensive sales and marketing experience, providing customized stocking and ordering solutions for creative integrated stores/buyers in China. As a strategic marketing partner for brands, we          provide professional services for brands in market positioning, channel management and product development based on our extensive buying/distribution channel resources.