Interesting brand which reminds various beauty

Fakeme is located one step away from Fashion field doing meaningless &

repetitive copy to target trend-obsessed customers. Fakeme talks about

genuineness and reminds a wide range of beauty through ‘design’ and

‘quality’. We ensure all proces and make it genuine and legitimate. This is

the power sustaining Fakeme.

Fakeme是目前非常炙手可热的潮牌墨镜品牌,这个品牌就是要不拘泥于所谓的流行文化,为眼镜爱好者提供新的思维与选项,重新定义眼镜的流行性与设计感。做到简约不突兀时尚不落俗,以恰到好处的佩戴感与修饰效果,受到韩国众多明星的追捧,先后与 Yoo In-Na(刘仁娜)、Oh Yeon Seo(吴涟序)、KeemWonjoong(金元中)推出画报款以及联名款,通过空间、 色彩、 文化、复古等元素的再创新,让时髦与舒适并存。