FREE ARC品牌创始人martin从事御寒服产品研究二十年,期望设计一款御寒服能满足人们对时尚、个性和功能的多元需求。


FREE ARC遵循产品机能化的同时融入街头潮流文化,通过高科技与时尚流行的相合,为Z时代人群带去拥有卓越功能体验与个性化自我基因的全新防寒装备!展现出“Be who you are ”的时尚态度,创造属于自己的style!


The founder of FREE ARC, Martin Ma, has been researching cold-proof products for 20 years and hopes to design a specific product that meets people's diverse needs for fashion,personality,and function.

FREE ARC incorporates street trend culture while adhering to the product's intended use.It seeks to deliver the Z-Era a fantastic functional experience and individualized fashion genes of the new cold-proof gear through the fusion of high technology and style! "Be Who You Are" is our fashion philosophy to encourage individuality!