40 CREW原创设计师品牌于2019年成立于美国洛杉矶,“40”取自团队洛杉矶工作室的门牌号,“CREW”代表全体成员。这是一个由创始团队全员参与制作的创意品牌,出于对时尚生活的热爱,凭借着多元的文化背景,我们致力于向现代女孩们传递不一样的故事。由此40 CREW品牌诞生,象征着集体、创新和对热爱事物的追求。

40 CREW想要呈现独立、不献媚、勇于尝试新事物,对自己穿着别具一格的“Crew女孩”。遵循高级时装品质的严苛标准,通过对细节的把控和独具匠心的服饰工艺打造每一款单品。常以黑白色作搭配,产品极具标志性,风格强烈。性别界限模糊,不过分强调女性的社会身份。


40 CREW original designer brand was established in Los Angeles in 2019. "40" is taken from the house number of the team's Los Angeles studio, and "CREW" represents all members. This is a creative brand made with the participation of all members of the founding team. Out of our love for fashion life, we are committed to delivering different stories to modern girls with diverse cultural backgrounds. Thus 40 CREW brand was born, which symbolizes collectivity, innovation and the pursuit of loving things. 40 CREW wishes to present a type of "CREW girls” who are independent, non-flattering, brave to try new things, and have their own unique style of dressing. We follow the strict standards of high fashion quality, and create each piece through the control of details and unique and inventive clothing technology. Often matched with black and white, the products are iconic and has an intense style. The gender boundary of our brand is vague, and we don’t overemphasize women's social identity.