ArtFusion Ace是2018年创立于北京和丹麦哥本哈根的一个时尚品牌,以丹麦设计师为主,将丹麦的环保理念极简主义引入中国。

ArtFusion Ace致力于可持续性发展的愿景,优先考虑环保性,高品质以及良好的工作环境。品牌精髓在于可持续性,艺术与时尚的融合,专注于品质以弥补市场因快时尚而缺失的品质感。精心选择面料,用心设计产品,并于设计中注入可持续发展及品质至上理念,使产品回归到服装本身,赋予她更长的生命周期。我们强烈希望创造一种慢时尚,优先考虑环保性,高品质以及良好的工作环境。 通过研发可持续性的和优质的材料,为我们的产品提供更长的生命周期。这一愿景旨在针对当前时尚行业中较为普遍的快时尚的潮流中找寻一种替代风尚。


ArtFusion Ace is a fashion brand founded in 2018 in Beijing and Copenhagen. It is mainly composed of Danish designers and introduces Danish environmental protection concept and minimalism into China.

ArtFusion Ace works with a sustainable profile, where environment, good quality and ethical working conditions are highly prioritized.

Sustainability is also about trying to change the overproduction that is dominating the fashion industry today, as well as changing the traditional perspective on consuming and shopping.We have a strong wish to create Slow Fashion - fashion that gives each product a longer life circle by using sustainable and premium qualities. The vision is to create an alternative to the rapid pace in the fashion industry.