DFW Digital Fashion WE数字化时尚品牌管理公司

创意生活方式,创新商业模式 Creating lifestyle. Creating business



22FW COLLCETION 中我们引进韩国设计师品牌和中韩合作系列品牌

1. YOCONUNU(韩国设计师品牌)


本系列以“反内卷”社会话题为素材,讲述了在众生,我们是渺小的,也是伟大的。人类一直以来都是群居动物,随着社会的多样型发展,人与人之间的竞争力与日俱增。优胜劣汰,适者生存的话术一卷卷的席卷着世人。压迫感,浮躁,焦虑等多种多样的情绪比比皆是,把自我锁死在低水准状态上,周而复始地循环,称为内卷化。而YOCONUNU 这一季的系列就是彰显一种反内卷的现象,做你自己就好。这个世界,总有一个不一样的你。


2. HOWANDWHAT(韩国设计师品牌)

韩国设计师朴炳奎(ByungkyuPark) 从1995年开始设计⾃⼰的品牌,经转多个品牌名称后,在2003年以HOWANDWHAT创⽴品牌。 本品牌是投⼊了朴炳奎( Byungkyu Park)设计师特有感性的⼩众设计师品牌。以⿊⾊为主⾊系,表现出节制的⼥性美,不拘泥于特定格式的在各种不同⾯料的混搭和果敢的曲线中展现各种⻛格的服装。设计师ByungkyuParkHOWANDWHAT品牌⾥诠释了⼀种⼤胆的设计理念,在创新与合理的设计思路中能够保持设计师最⾃然最真实的⼀⾯。且站在⼥性的⻆度通过个性的剪裁以及⼀些⽐较⼥性化的元素,展现出绝对的⼥性魅⼒。


3. DFW Collection by Jiyeun Won(中韩联名品牌/R.SHEMISTE设计总监)

这是DFW与海外优秀设计师品牌联名系列之一。由韩国知名品牌R.SHEMISTE设计总监WON JIYEUN呈现"An aesthetic appreciation of the dissonance"2022秋冬系列.本系列以不协调的审美欣赏为理念,蕴含不协调中的动态美。它表达了从异类事物中诞生的完美,混合不同质地的材料或凌乱的细节,提升系列的魅力,我们想要以此表达DFW.J的新趋势。该系列以牛仔面料为主,呈现出高街风情。one-mile wear穿搭为代表的运动衫和裤子等,由女性化的时尚单品组成,并添加了DFW.J的命名细节。以中性色彩感进行的本次系列以变形的轮廓、颜色图案和材质特征來展现魅力,並展现代表DFW.J的新形象

DFW Digital Fashion WE Digital Fashion brand management company


Creating lifestyle, Creating business


We are a one-stop platform for brand promotion and incubation of original designers that fashion wear brand, production and marketing, with multi-functional marketing platform and fashion brand production supply chain. We actively attract domestic and overseas designer brands to enter the platform, and through online and offline fashion marketing and flash landing, add luster to the brand and provide high-quality commodity resources for side B channel merchants. We actively promote and support outstanding young independent designers from various creative industries, providing them with emerging platforms and brand development solutions for the fashion market.

In 22FW COLLCETION, we introduce Korean designer brands and China-South Korea cooperative series brands


1.YOCONUNU(Korean designer brand)

Founded in 2019, the designer is inspired by the rich lifestyle design full of creativity, different styles, do not follow the current, not bound by fashion. Single random combination will be a trump card, minimalist but not simple.

This series uses the social topic of " anti- involution" as the material, telling us that we are small and great in all living beings. Human beings have always been social animals. With the development of diverse societies, people are increasingly competitive with each other. Survival of the fittest is sweeping the world. A sense of pressure, impetuous, anxiety and other diverse emotions everywhere, the self locked in a low level of state, the cycle of the cycle, known as internalization. YOCONUNU's collection in this season is a manifestation of the phenomenon of anti-introversion. Just be yourself. In this world, there is always a different you.



ByungkyuPark, a south Korean designer, started designing his own brand in 1995. After several brand names, he founded the brand HOWANDWHAT in 2003. The brand is a niche designer brand with Byungkyu Park's unique sensibility. With black as the main color, showing the temperate female beauty, not confined to a specific format in a variety of different fabric mix and bold curve to show a variety of styles of clothing. Designer ByungkyuPark has interpreted a bold design concept in HOWANDWHAT brand, which can keep the most natural and real side of designers in the process of innovation and reasonable design ideas. And stand in the female point of view through individual tailoring and some more feminine elements, show the absolute feminine charm.


3.DFW Collection by Jiyeun Won(Sino-Korean joint brand/former R.Hemiste Design Director)

This is one of the series co-branded by DFW and overseas excellent designer brands. "An Aesthetic Appreciation of the Dissonance "AUTUMN/Winter 2022 collection presented by WON JIYEUN, design director of R. Shamiste. This series is based on the concept of "incongruous aesthetic appreciation", which contains the dynamic beauty in incongruity. It expresses perfection born out of something alien, mixing materials of different textures or messy details to enhance the charm of the collection, and we want to express the new trend of DFW.J. The collection features denim fabrics for a high street look. Sweatshirts and pants, represented by one-mile Wear, are made up of feminine fashion pieces, with the naming details of DFW.J added. In neutral colors, the collection presents its charm with distorted contours, color patterns and material features, and presents a new image representing DFW.J