JollyMolly充满活力的品牌,得到米娜,昕薇,Theone壹号,GoFashion,KNIGHT等国际知名杂志的持续关注。也是宋祖儿,曾黎,章若楠,张佳宁,秦海璐,尹浩宇,周洁琼,陈卓璇,何佩瑜,张含韵等明星和时尚博主喜爱并推荐的设计师品牌首饰 。JollyMolly的品牌基因里融合着精致、细腻、纯粹且丰满的细节,个性却不张扬,彰显一种高品质的好品味,经过设计师天马行空的独特创作和精良的制造工艺,也能拥有高级珠宝般尊贵的质感。并且在保养和价格上,更加满足日常穿戴的需求。无论是应对诉求仪式感的正式场合还是日常工作生活都能找到适合款式,不断推出主题系列设计,紧抓流行趋势并努力以奢品品质,俘获时尚达人们对配饰的苛刻要求。Jollymolly brand genes blend exquisite, delicate, pure and full details, but personality is not public, highlighting a high quality of good taste, through the designer's unrestrained unique creation and sophisticated manufacturing technology, can also have the noble quality of high jewelry. And in the maintenance and price, more to meet the needs of daily wear. We can find suitable styles for both formal occasions and daily work and life. We constantly launch themed series of designs, grasp the fashion trend and strive to capture the demanding requirements of fashion lovers on accessories with luxury quality.