PEARLONA是一个新锐天然珍珠配饰品牌,由服装设计师Grace Hu和时尚创意人Joyce Zhao共同创立,母女二人在纽约成立工作室,用当代艺术“优雅+叛逆”的线条,重新定义天然珍珠配饰。品牌名中的PEARL即珍珠,ONA意为“她”,PEARL+ONA则是将珍珠拟人化,呈现一个有趣、多元的“珍珠酷女孩”。PEARLONA的设计不断拓展着天然珍珠配饰的边界,得到《Vogue》《ELLE》《时尚COSMO》《时装LOFFICIEL》等国际媒体的持续关注,受到200+明星及1000+时尚KOL的青睐,现已入驻国内外180+ 设计师品牌集合店。
PEARLONA was created by artist/fashion designer Grace Hu and creative entrepreneur Joyce Zhao. With years of experience in the New York fashion scene, the designer duo infused their fashion attitudes and design concepts into their beloved jewelry career. PEARLONA was born by blending their strong preference of cultured pearls with chic, modern, and minimalist strokes. Today, PEARLONA is still striving to innovate, exploring the aesthetics of contemporary urban women with the right balance of classic and fashion. PEARLONA aims to convey a diversified feminist lifestyle through art and jewelry.