褶皱 , 是服装之于身体的流动肌肤。一体多面 , 绵延中衍生不同向度;光影明暗 , 对立下存续自我内核。褶皱在立体视觉下展现丰富层次 ,如鲜活独立的人格 ,从未曾扁平或单一。
如果畅想未来少女的模样 , 那她们或许应当如同褶皱。虚实内外 , 表里无需如一。可爱亦深邃 , 甜美且前卫 , 没有某个形容词足以定义。以丰沛而极致的想象力, 塑造多维层次的丰富人格, 每一位“她”的内心 , 都藏着一座丰富而宏大的宇宙。
BIBILEE 以时装为载体 , 褶皱为表达 , 探索未来语境下属于东方的时装语言。现实与虚拟共生 , 传统与数字互融 , 未来式中国少女的风貌立体而灵动。少女的未来主义时装领地已然建立 , 欢迎步入这座多元的崭新风格宇宙。
BIBILEE was founded in 2018, with original pleating process design as the core, to provide high-quality,uniquely designed and distinctive clothing to urban women in the new era. The BIBILEE brand manager always believes that clothing should be another expression of self. This is also the original
intention of the BIBILEE brand. BIBILEE has a deep understanding of the urban women in the new era. They switch between different roles, take more and more responsibilities, but never compromise. Time brings them a more open mind, and also teaches them why they should not give up the passion and love that belong to themselves. BIBILEE deduces such a thinking in the form of folds. The simple pleating rule, through repeated embossing of folding one after another, presents garments full of texture changes and rich levels.